9/11 attacks

On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center's twin towers in New York collapse due to a terrorist attack, along with Washington, D.C.'s Pentagon and the Pennsylvanian countryside. The attack consisted of 19 militants in correspondence with Al-Qaeda, an islamic extremist group. The attackers surged domestic aircrafts and took control. The first plane hit the north tower around 8 am and a second one hit the south tower only 17 minutes later. Office workers dived out of the building, not wanting to burn alive and the police officers were trapped at the bottom, along with civilians injured and killed. The towers collapsed 30 minutes later and the fires smoldered for 3 months afterwards, filing through Lower Manhattan's streets. The third plane hit the southwestern side of the Pentagon around 9 am, creating fires in the section. And the fourth plane dived down near Shanksville in the countryside in Pennsylvania around 10 am. The US was under severe attack during those 3 hours, each attack being suicide, meaning all 19 militant terrorists died in crashing the aircrafts along with the civilian hostages in those aircrafts. Almost 3,000 people had died and been injured, approximately 2,750 in NY, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in PA, and the 400 police officers and firefighters. President Bush, once hearing of the devastation, headed up to New York's "Ground Zero", the site of the fallen twin towers and proclaimed to the horrified people of the US that, "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us soon." Since then, memorials will always been stacked around the US and created fear throughout citizens for the next terrorist attack to come. 
(The Pentagon's southwestern side)

(President Bush's remark)

(Twin Towers crash)


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